ComponentsInput Installation NpmManualNPM packages are currently unstable and may cause issues. Use it at your own risk.npmpnpmyarnbunnpm install @mijn-ui/react-input Example Usage <Input className="w-80" placeholder="Username..." /> Input with Icon import { Input } from "@mijn-ui/react-input" import { LuPlus } from "react-icons/lu" const InputWithIcon = () => { return ( <div className="flex flex-col gap-4"> {/* start Icon */} <Input className="w-80" placeholder="Username..." startIcon={<LuPlus />} /> {/* end Icon */} <Input className="w-80" endIcon={<LuPlus />} placeholder="Username..." /> {/* both Icon */} <Input className="w-80" endIcon={<LuPlus />} placeholder="Username..." startIcon={<LuPlus />} /> </div> ) } export default InputWithIcon Input With Floating Label Username <Input className="w-80" label="Username" /> Input Floating Label with Icon UsernameUsernameUsername import { Input } from "@mijn-ui/react-input" import { LuPlus } from "react-icons/lu" const InputWithFloatingLabelIcon = () => { return ( <div className="flex flex-col gap-4"> {/* start Icon */} <Input className="w-80" label="Username" startIcon={<LuPlus />} /> {/* end Icon */} <Input className="w-80" endIcon={<LuPlus />} label="Username" /> {/* both Icon */} <Input className="w-80" endIcon={<LuPlus />} label="Username" startIcon={<LuPlus />} /> </div> ) } export default InputWithFloatingLabelIconEdit on GitHubPreviousDropdownMenuNextLabel