ComponentsPopoverDocsApi Reference Installation NpmManualNPM packages are currently unstable and may cause issues. Use it at your own risk.npmpnpmyarnbunnpm install @mijn-ui/react-popover Example Usage popover-example.tsximport { Button } from "@mijn-ui/react-button" import { Input } from "@mijn-ui/react-input" import { Label } from "@mijn-ui/react-label" import { Popover, PopoverArrow, PopoverClose, PopoverContent, PopoverTrigger, } from "@mijn-ui/react-popover" import { RxCross2, RxMixerHorizontal } from "react-icons/rx" // Making All of the Accordion Components Unstyled type PopoverExampleProps = { unstyled?: boolean } const PopoverExample = ({ unstyled = false }: PopoverExampleProps) => { return ( <Popover unstyled={unstyled}> <PopoverTrigger className="rounded-full"> <RxMixerHorizontal size={18} /> </PopoverTrigger> <PopoverContent className="relative w-72 "> <div className="flex flex-col justify-center gap-2.5"> <p className="text-base font-medium">Dimensions</p> <fieldset className="flex w-full items-center justify-between gap-2"> <Label className="inline-block w-20 max-w-fit shrink-0 text-nowrap" htmlFor="width" > Width </Label> <Input className="max-w-40" classNames={{ input: "h-8 py-1.5 px-1.5", }} id="width" defaultValue="100%" /> </fieldset> <fieldset className="flex w-full items-center justify-between gap-2"> <Label className="inline-block w-20 max-w-fit shrink-0 text-nowrap" htmlFor="maxWidth" > Max. width </Label> <Input className="max-w-40" classNames={{ input: "h-8 py-1.5 px-1.5", }} id="maxWidth" defaultValue="300px" /> </fieldset> <fieldset className="flex w-full items-center justify-between gap-2"> <Label className="inline-block w-20 max-w-fit shrink-0 text-nowrap" htmlFor="height" > Height </Label> <Input className="max-w-40" classNames={{ input: "h-8 py-1.5 px-1.5", }} id="height" defaultValue="25px" /> </fieldset> <fieldset className="flex w-full items-center justify-between gap-2"> <Label className="inline-block w-20 max-w-fit shrink-0 text-nowrap" htmlFor="maxHeight" > Max. height </Label> <Input className="max-w-40" classNames={{ input: "h-8 py-1.5 px-1.5", }} id="maxHeight" defaultValue="none" /> </fieldset> </div> <PopoverClose unstyled asChild> <Button color={"accent"} variant={"text"} size={"icon"} radius={"full"} className="absolute right-0 top-0 hover:bg-transparent" > <RxCross2 /> </Button> </PopoverClose> <PopoverArrow className="fill-muted-text" /> </PopoverContent> </Popover> ) } export default PopoverExampleEdit on GitHubPreviousPaginationNextProgress